Teacher Appreciation Week Ideas with Printables
Teacher Appreciation Week starts Monday, and as usual, I’m here with your last minute printables.
Your favorite teachers deserve to be treated to something special, and I have some ideas below, along with a few printables (scroll to the bottom of the page for the link to those.
I was able to offer these for free for the last 5 years, but I’m no longer able to do that. These are available in my etsy shop:
Click here to get your printables!
Highlighters are a simple and inexpensive way to give your teachers a cute gift. These printable tags say “You have been the highlight of my year” and can be printed and attached with twine.

Bring your teachers donuts, with these cute printable “We donut know what we’d do without teachers like you” cards. The bottom text is customizable and can be edited to say anything that you’d like!

Hand Soap
Hand soap is a practical gift, but can be fun, too! Find a great scent or cool packaging and this gift will definitely please. These tags say “Hands Down, you’re the best” and include two lines of editable text for you to add your own greeting.

Click here to view these on Etsy!
Click here to see more printables for Teacher Appreciation Week!

what do you think?