Helpful tools for printables
Printables are the best, right? You can get high quality decor, tags, party decorations, checklists, certificates and more, and you don’t even have to wait!
There are some tools that make working with printables easier and I’ve listed a few of my favorites below. There are some affiliate links in the bunch, but that doesn’t change the fact that I love them all!
Ok, obviously, right? You need a good printer if you’re going to print at home. I used to recommended Kinkos or Office Max, because when you take into consideration the amount of ink you use, those are the most cost effective and are a decent quality. However, I purchased an HP Envy photo printer this year and haven’t been to Office Max once. The quality is hard to beat, and with their Instant Ink program, the price is right, too!
Paper Trimmer
Having a quality, durable paper trimmer can help when you’re cutting tags, banner panels or anything else that might be printed on card stock. Don’t skip on the paper trimmer! It would be better to invest in a good pair of scissors than a cheap paper trimmer. I use the Singline 15″ Paper Trimmer and it gets the job done quite nicely!
Round Punch
The Fiskars 2″ Thick Punch Circle is great for cupcake toppers, favor tags, and anything else you need in a perfect 2″ circle.

A good pair of scissors will do more for you than just help with printables. The Fiskars Razor-edge Softgrip Scissors can cut through many layers of heavy material without much trouble at all. It gives you great control for making precison cuts.
Xyron Sticker Maker
Print your printable files on regular paper and then run them through this Xyron Create-a-Sticker Max sticker maker to make instant stickers. There’s no electricity required . . . just turn the knob to add the adhesive. Super easy and makes your printables look super professional!

what do you think?